Frequently Asked Questions

Pre-Award Services

If you are requesting funding from a source outside the University and it includes anything more detailed than a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) budget, the answer is likely yes. Any time a categorical or detailed budget for funding is submitted to an external agency and especially when it includes cost-share/co-funding, that budget should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Institutional personnel. Additionally, if the opportunity specifies a categorical budget (e.g. $20,000 stipends, $10,000 travel, $5,000 research expenses – Total $35,000 award) it should be routed for review and approvals prior to submission. Please contact Pre-Award Services.

The Research, Innovation & Impact Business Center's (RIIBC) Pre-Award Services Team can help guide you through any pre-award processes.

The RII BC Adaptive Planning Entry Team has created a Budget Load Notification Form for exactly this purpose. Account Managers, please use this form to notify the Entry team when budget is loaded into UAccess Financials for an account, whether it is a new award, an award modification, sibling account creation/load, or supplemental funding outside the scope of the original project. Additionally, this form can be used to notify the Entry team of no-cost extensions, deobligations, and necessary corrections to an Adaptive Planning account by providing notes and/or attachments detailing your needs.

Account Management

Account Managers are assigned on a department basis. To see the Account Manager for your department, see the Research, Innovation & Impact Business Center's (RIIBC) Units We Serve page.

  • Passport
  • Visa type
  • I-94
  • You also need this documentation if you pay for hotel or airfare on a PO.

According to the Purchasing Card Policies Manual, 8.1 Restriction/Requirements/Limitations section, in the Foreign Visitors (Non-Resident Alien) expenditure category, payments to or on behalf of a foreign visitor (Including travel related expenditures such as airfare, shuttle, train, etc.) are not allowed.

Human Resources

The University of Arizona's Human Resources website outlines Family Medical Leave eligibility and paperwork requirements.

In order to find open positions in Research, Innovation & Impact (RII) as well as across the University of Arizona, please visit UACareers for more information.